Can Child Support Payments be Modified in SC?
Whether you are the one receiving child support payments or the one paying the support, the amount of support payments is important. How much you receive or pay depends on a number of things and South Carolina law takes into account that these important factors change...
9 Questions about Legal Separation in SC
I have been asked many times what it means to be separated in South Carolina. “Does that mean I can date other people?” “Can I get support from my spouse even though we haven’t been separated a year?” “What do I do during the year that I have to be separated?” If you...
What is “Common Law Marriage” in SC?
So often I hear people talk about being “common law married” and what they think it means. Often people have been misguided about what common law marriage is. I once heard someone say if a person spent one night with another person, they were common law married! If...
How does Alimony Work in SC?
People often wonder, “Am I eligible for alimony?” or they may fear, “I’m afraid my spouse is going to get a ton of alimony from me!” So, how does one know if he or she is eligible for alimony or is at risk for having to pay alimony? South Carolina does not have a...
Humorous Real Life Scenarios & Statistics That Cause Divorce
Many divorces are pretty run-of-the-mill. Someone was unfaithful, someone mistreated the other person, someone may have had a substance abuse issue, etc. Other divorce situations are hard to imagine and actually just plain funny! Below are 10 of the most hard to...
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